Thursday, March 22, 2007

CF Senior Promotions

A Canadian government press release about recent senior officer promotions in the Canadian Forces.

Once the promotions and appointments for 2007 have taken place, the number of Regular Force generals and naval flag officers will be 72, a reduction from last year’s total of 74. This number includes Gen. Ray Henault, who is not performing a CF function.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

British TA raises entry age to 40

The Scotsman has an article about the British Territorial Army raising its maximum age for joining to 40. The limit for the Royal Naval Reserve was already 40 while that for the Royal Auxiliary Air Force was 55. The TA limit only effects people joining without any previous military experience.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Arctic exercise has an article about a Canadian Forces mission in the Arctic. The mission, which is essentially a sovereignty patrol will include an RCMP officer.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Canadian Military Justice

Canoe has an article about the differences between the civilian and military justice systems.

Meanwhile the Chronicle-Herald has an article about accidental discharges.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blog post: Nickels in Iraq

A blog post on the use of small change by the American forces in Iraq.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Exercise Cougar Salvo

The Lookout has an article about an upcoming exercise in British Columbia which will involve both reserve and regular force units.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Naval Reserve divers

A blog post with two articles from the Daily News about the Canadian Naval Reserve Port Inspection Divers and their recent activities in Port Rupert.

Shadow Wolves hunt bin Laden

The Australian has an article about a unit of Native American trackers who will be used to hunt for bin Laden. The article doesn't mention what they are a unit of - US military, CIA, Homeland Security? This seems an odd omission.

The unit's Wikipedia entry explains that they are a unit of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement service and were formed in 1972.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A CF officer in Sudan

The Lookout has an article about a Canadian officer was has just returned from a peacekeeping tour in Sudan.

Windows at Sea

The British computer magazine the Register has an article about the coming deployment of Microsoft Windows as an operating system on Royal Navy warships. They don't seem to see this as a good thing.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Little Birds over Iraq

The Virginian-Pilot has an article about the small helicopters used by the US military contracting company Blackwater in Iraq.
For many grunts on the ground, Blackwater's Little Birds fill two simple needs: entertainment and inspiration.
Interestingly the Blackwater contractors work in Iraq for 60 days then spend 30 at home.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Canadian Reservists can now serve in Australia

The Department of National Defence has announced that Canadian reservists who move to Australia can now serve with Australian reserve units and vice versa. The article mentions that a similar arrangement is already in effect with the UK. The article doesn't say how many people will be involved.