At a brisk pace through a massive warehouse on the Kandahar Airfield, Ward points at different crates and boxes stacked to the high steel roof."It's everything under the sun, from foot powder to everything I'm wearing, to weapons, Head and Shoulders shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes," he says, barely scratching the long list.
"The National Support Element is not the sexy part of the fight, but it's highly important. We're all about the beans and the bullets."
Friday, February 12, 2010
Kandahar Supplies
The Edmonton Journal has an article about the effort involved in managing all the supplies needed by the CF's troops in Kandahar.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
A Fence for HMCS Carleton?
The Ottawa Citizen has an article about the controversy about putting a fence up around HMCS Carleton, Ottawa's Naval Reserve unit.
"If we fenced all around it would really take away from the façade," said Cooper. "We don't want people to bike by and think it's a POW compound." But, he said, in this era of heightened security, the ultimate decision will be made by the military police.
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